
Staxx Pallet Truck is a professional warehouse equipment manufacturer and pallet jack supplier in China.

Analysis on the maintenance method of electric stacker forklift fork and support foot

by:Staxx Pallet Truck     2023-03-20

Over the years, the market demand for electric stackers has continued to increase. With its unique properties and functions, it is loved by new and old customers. Regarding the maintenance method of the fork and supporting feet of the electric stacker forklift, let the forklift truck discuss with all colleagues, and forget to give more valuable opinions.

1. There should be no cracks or open welding at the welding part, and the deformation of the beam should not exceed 2mm. If the protective frame is deformed and open welding, it should be reshaped in time and re-welded.

2. The level difference between the two fork tips of the electric stacker forklift exceeds 5mm, the length difference exceeds 10mm, the wear in the fork length direction is less than 40mm in the standard size, the front end of the fork tip is ground into a tangled shape, the fork is bent and deformed, or the fork surface and the fork arm are clamped angle greater than 90°, these phenomena should be replaced or repaired.

3. When the shelf and the fork are loaded on the carriage, the upper planes of the two forks of the electric stacker should be kept in the same plane, and there should be no height or misalignment.

4. Flaw detection inspection is required for the stress-bearing parts of the yoke and the fork surface. When cracks appear, they should be dealt with in time.

5. Check whether there are cracks or open welding at the welding place of the upper and lower clamping irons of the fork. If there is any defect, it must be repaired in time.

6. The opening size of the upper and lower clamping irons of the electric stacker forklift, the standard is 27mm, and the use limit is 29mm. When this limit is exceeded, it should be repaired in time.

7. Install the shelf and fork, the thickness and length of the selected fork should be roughly equal.

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