Staxx Pallet Truck is a professional warehouse equipment manufacturer and pallet jack supplier in China.

Electric trucks have changed the working mode of thousands of porters

by:Staxx Pallet Truck     2022-11-15

4,500 years ago was the ancient era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. Our ancestors did not have any mechanical equipment to use, and could only use manual handling to move goods. Today, more than 4,500 years later, the world economy has achieved unprecedented development. Our porters can Using electric trucks to move goods not only makes work easier, but also increases economic income.

Master Zhang from Gulangyu, Xiamen has been engaged in handling for more than 10 years. When he first came to Gulangyu to work, the streets of Gulangyu were bumpy, rugged, and there were many small streets and alleys. Every day, he used a flatbed truck to pull thousands of kilograms of goods to the merchants. Delivering deliveries, dozens of trips are commonplace, sweat often wets the back of his clothes, and he is tired and hard every day, but he has no choice, because he has no education and can not find a better job, he can only rely on physical strength to earn money take a small income.

In recent years, with the development of other industries such as tourism and machinery manufacturing, Master Zhang's company has equipped porters with electric pallet trucks. After reaching the bottom of the pallet, press the handle, the fork will automatically rise, and the manpower only needs to grasp the handle and control the forward direction of the truck to transport the bulk goods to the destination.

The use and popularization of electric pallet trucks has liberated thousands of laborers like Master Zhang, who are engaged in hard work, and separated them from heavy work. The daily work is often reduced from the initial 12 hours to 10. hourly, the income also increases.

Ningbo Staxx Material Handling Equipment Co.,Ltd. is a gaint manufacturer of pallet stacker truck, which is one of the most outstanding product produced from us.
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