
Staxx Pallet Truck is a professional warehouse equipment manufacturer and pallet jack supplier in China.

What are the specifications of the pallets used by the all-electric pallet truck?

by:Staxx Pallet Truck     2023-02-14

There are generally two types of pallets suitable for all-electric pallet trucks: nine-legged (nine-legged) and Chuanzi pallets. Generally speaking, Tianzi pallets cannot be used. If you must use double-sided pallets, then you need to customize the electric pallet truck, and what details need to be paid attention to in the customized electric pallet truck, we will introduce it next. Let's first introduce the conventional pallet sizes related to the all-electric pallet truck in detail.

The all-electric pallet truck has two fork widths of 550mm and 685mm, and is suitable for 550-width nine-leg (nine-foot) pallets. , 1200*1000*140, 1200*800*150, 1200*800*150mm. Since the nine-leg pallet can be loaded with forks both horizontally and vertically, the 1200mm one can also be used for the 685 all-electric pallet truck. The Chuanzi tray can only be forked on one side, and the trays suitable for 550 are: 1100*1100*155, 1000*750*150mm.

There are standard pallets suitable for the outer width of 685, and the above nine-leg pallets have been listed one by one. Here, just look at the size of the Chuanzi pallet: 1200*800*150, 1200*1000*155, 1200*1200*155 , 1300*1100*155, 1200*1000*150, 1200*1000*150, 1200*1000*150, 1200*1000*170, 1200*800*150mm.

Due to the differences in the environment used by individual customers, or the special cargo being handled, the pallets used are custom-made pallets, so it is necessary to customize an all-electric pallet truck. Also, the double-sided tray mentioned earlier also needs to be customized. So what specific details do you need to pay attention to when customizing a truck? What is the main place that needs to be changed? Customized pallets mainly depend on the fork length of the pallet, the width of a single fork, the minimum height of the fork surface, the outer distance between the two forks is also called the fork outer width, the inner distance between the two forks is also called the fork inner width, and the lifting height of the fork. The fork width, inner fork width, outer fork width, minimum height and maximum height of the custom-made pallet truck are closely related to the size of the pallet. It is necessary to communicate accurately with the supplier of the electric pallet truck to avoid unnecessary trouble and loss.

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