
Staxx Pallet Truck is a professional warehouse equipment manufacturer and pallet jack supplier in China.

Why does the electric stacker leak oil? How to solve?

by:Staxx Pallet Truck     2023-01-27

Electric stacker is a kind of storage equipment that uses battery power as energy source and motor as power source. It is composed of battery, motor, hydraulic pump, oil cylinder, piston and other components. Among them, the oil cylinder is the part that converts hydraulic energy into mechanical energy, which is very important for electric stackers. However, oil leakage is a common problem with electric stackers, which causes headaches for many drivers. Don’t worry when encountering oil leakage of electric stacker. The manufacturer of electric stacker will talk about why the electric stacker leaks oil and how to solve it when encountering oil leakage.

The oil leakage of the electric stacker may be caused by the wear between the valve stem and the valve body. If the dispensing valve is often used intensively or the oil is not clean, it will lead to increased wear between the valve stem and the valve body. This is likely to damage the matching sealing surface and cause oil leakage. If the wear is not too serious, the chrome plating of the valve stem can be polished to prevent further oil leakage. If the wear is already serious, it needs to be replaced in time. The oil leakage of the electric stacker may also be due to the poor seal of the connection between the oil pipe and the oil cylinder or pump station. At this time, use a wrench to tighten the nut at the connection. Electric stacker manufacturers remind that in order to prevent wire slipping, do not use too much force.

If the electric stacker leaks oil, it may be that the spring of the safety valve is aging, causing the hydraulic oil to force the steel ball to leave the valve position and flow into the oil spillway under the pressure lower than the system regulation, causing oil leakage. To solve this problem, you need to replace the spring, and then use the screw to adjust the spring pressure to the specified 14 Mpa. If the stem of the multi-way reversing valve cannot be reset and the groove is connected to the oil passage, it will also cause oil leakage. There may be two reasons for this problem. One is that the valve stem return spring is deformed or damaged, and the spring only needs to be replaced. The second is that due to the uncleanness between the valve body and the valve stem, the resistance increases, and the valve stem is difficult to reset. Electric stacker manufacturers suggest cleaning the multi-way reversing valve to keep its interior clean and tidy.

It is not uncommon for electric stackers to leak oil. Once it occurs, it may delay normal operations and affect work efficiency. When encountering this kind of problem, the driver needs to calm down, investigate in time, find out the reason, and solve the problem. Electric stacker manufacturers recommend that drivers increase their knowledge reserves about electric stackers to facilitate quick repairs.

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