Staxx Pallet Truck is a professional warehouse equipment manufacturer and pallet jack supplier in China.

How to use the electric flatbed

by:Staxx Pallet Truck     2023-03-17

The electric flatbed is a common handling tool in the workshop, which can greatly reduce the labor intensity of employees. When using it, in order to avoid accidents, users must abide by the safety operating procedures.

1. The electric flatbed must be operated and maintained by a special person, and non-operators are not allowed to use it casually.

2. For electric flatbed vehicles that travel long distances, the switch should be located at a place that is easy to operate, does not hinder the operation and does not hinder the operator's sight, and is not allowed to be located at the fixed end of the power cord.

3. Before starting, the operator must check whether there are obstacles on the track and on both sides, and whether the electrical circuit and control switch are safe and reliable.

4. The bell must ring before starting, and then start smoothly, and pay attention to whether there is any abnormal situation around, and be ready to stop at any time. Do not collide with track end stops.

5. It should move slowly during operation, and it is not allowed to change the direction of travel quickly. Maintenance and cleaning work are prohibited during operation.

6. When transporting items, they should be placed firmly and evenly, with large items at the bottom and small items at the top. Overloading, super height and super length are not allowed.

7. In case of a sudden power failure during work, the control switch should be reset to zero.

8. It is not allowed to flip objects on the flatbed cart, and no one is allowed to stand on the flatbed cart when it is in motion.

9. Check the cables frequently, and repair them in time if there is any damage. When the battery car has a problem and needs to be repaired, the power must be cut off and someone will monitor it.

10. The stacking height of workpieces less than 1 square meter shall not exceed 1.5 meters, and the stacking height of workpieces larger than 1 square meter shall not exceed two meters.

11. After the work is completed, the power supply must be cut off, the load must be unloaded, and the equipment should be cleaned.

The safe use of electric flat cars is related to the safe production of enterprises, and operators must use them according to regulations.

Operating procedures for electric flatbed

1. Major health injury risks and countermeasures during operation

(1) Major risks of health injury during operation:

1. Illegal use of electric flatbed trucks, resulting in personal injury;

2. The charging equipment leaks electricity, resulting in personal electric shock injury.

(2) Countermeasures:

1. Conscientiously study the safety operating procedures and carry out operations in strict accordance with the procedures;

2. Strictly implement the operating procedures, conduct daily safety inspections, and post safety signs and reminders.

2. Safe operating procedures

(1) Carefully refer to and implement the relevant provisions of the 'General Operating Procedures for Mechanized Transportation Equipment'.

(2) Conscientiously implement the following supplementary regulations:

1. No items are allowed to be stacked within one meter on both sides of the flatbed truck track.

2. The heavy objects should be placed in the middle of the flatbed truck smoothly, and the load distribution should be even.


'General Operating Procedures for Mechanized Transportation Equipment'

(1) The operator must pass the examination and hold the 'Equipment Operation Certificate' of the equipment before operating the equipment.

(2) Seriously do the following before work:

1. Carefully read the shift record to understand the equipment situation of the previous shift.

2. Check along the entire length of the equipment and deal with:

(1) Check if there are obstacles on the equipment and on both sides of the equipment that hinder the operation of the equipment, they must be removed.

(2) Check whether the running wheels, guide wheels, support rollers, chain links, etc. are complete, and there must be no serious wear, derailment, or jamming


(3) Check that the track, chain link, chain plate, guard plate, scraper, hopper, belt, etc. must be complete, and there must be no hindrance to normal operation

deformation, peeling and loosening.

(4) Check the transmission device, and the tensioning device should be firm and reliable. V-belt drive or no

The gear shifting must be complete and the tightness meet the requirements.

(5) Check that the safety protection devices are complete and intact, the emergency switch must be closed, and the electrical grounding is good.

(6) Check that the oil quantity in the reducer and other oil storage parts must be sufficient, and add oil according to the equipment lubrication chart.

3. The equipment shutting down for more than one shift must be“jog”Make an empty run test run, and confirm that the equipment is operating normally before it can be operated.


(3), earnestly accomplish in the work:

1. The operator is not allowed to leave the work post without authorization, and must operate carefully, and do not do things that have nothing to do with work.

2. The driving and parking of the equipment included in the linkage must be carried out in the order of driving and parking according to the process flow. Ring the alarm bell or get in touch with the upper and lower processes before driving or parking.

3. It is strictly forbidden to cut materials while the equipment is running. The workpieces, castings, and materials to be transported should comply with the process regulations, and overweight and overwidth are not allowed.

4. The operating speed of the equipment must comply with the process regulations, and it is not allowed to increase the operating speed of the equipment without authorization.

5. It is not allowed to use emergency switch emergency stop equipment when it is not necessary; when emergency stop is necessary, contact the upper and lower processes in time.

6. After the insurance pin is cut off, the reason must be found out before the new pin can be updated. The new safety pin must be standard, and it is strictly forbidden to replace it with bolts and iron rods.

7. Pay close attention to the operation of the equipment, and find that there are poor lubrication, loose parts, deviation, crawling, deceleration, jamming, vibration, wheels do not turn or fall off, rails drop, lock plate is lost, guard plate is stuck, and the holder is stuck Abnormal phenomena such as claw failure, chain link accumulation, noise, electrical failure or confusion must be stopped immediately for inspection, and the work can only be continued after troubleshooting.

8. After the equipment has an accident, it must be shut down to cut off the power supply, keep the scene of the accident, and report to the relevant department for analysis and handling.

(4) After work, earnestly do:

1. Stop the operation of the equipment and cut off the power supply.

2. Clean up equipment and clean up the work site.

3. Carefully fill in the equipment problems found in the shift into the shift record book, and do a good job in the shift work.

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