
Staxx Pallet Truck is a professional warehouse equipment manufacturer and pallet jack supplier in China.

From the accident of electric pallet truck to see its safety operation regulations

by:Staxx Pallet Truck     2022-11-02

A precision copper tube Co., Ltd. in Zhuhai City had a safety accident in 2019 caused by illegal and wrong use of an electric pallet truck. The original accident occurred as follows:

Chen, a 24-year-old who works as a warehouse worker, only needs to pack copper pipes. After he finished his job, out of curiosity about the electric truck, he drove the truck to practice operation without any practical experience. When going backwards, he collided with the waiting bridge in the aisle of the warehouse. Chen was squeezed between the truck and the waiting bridge. His abdomen triggered the reverse switch of the truck, and he was squeezed to death.

From this accident, we not only learned the bloody lessons, but also realized that the seemingly simple electric pallet truck is not actually able to operate immediately, but also needs to be familiar with the operation process and obtain the post operation certificate. Electric pallet truck.

The rules for the safe operation of electric pallet trucks are as follows:

1. Operators must undergo professional training to get started;

2. It is strictly forbidden to operate after drinking, or to operate when the state is not good. During the process of driving the truck, you cannot eat, drink, chat, smoke or drink;

3. Before getting on the car, check the battery storage capacity of the truck, and whether the horn, steering wheel, buttons, etc. are sensitive and reliable;

4. When driving, slow down, not too fast, and pay attention to the obstacles in the front, rear, left and right, and avoid them in time;

5. The truck is the equipment and equipment for carrying goods. It is strictly forbidden to run with people. During the process of loading, it is also strictly forbidden to run overloaded and run with partial load.

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