
Staxx Pallet Truck is a professional warehouse equipment manufacturer and pallet jack supplier in China.

How to maintain the electric platform truck in the hot summer? 

by:Staxx Pallet Truck     2022-05-19

With the advent of the hot summer, the failure rate of various equipment has gradually increased, especially the electric loading and unloading vehicles. Special attention should be paid to the maintenance and use in summer. The following will introduce you to the electric platform truck in summer. maintenance.

Due to the long use time of electric loading and unloading trucks, the failure rate is higher than that of electric stackers. The maintenance is as follows:

1. Always pay attention to check the wear of the load-bearing wheels, balance wheels and driving wheels of the electric platform truck, and replace the wheels of the electric loading and unloading truck in time;

2. Check whether the structure of each part of the electric platform truck is cracked, whether the screws are loose, and whether the electric loading and unloading truck has oil leakage;

3. Whether the voltmeter of the electric platform truck is within the range of use, when the power is insufficient, the electric loading and unloading truck should be charged in time to prevent battery consumption and affect the battery life of the electric loading and unloading truck;

4. When the electric platform truck is driving, test whether the electromagnetic brake of the electric platform truck is easy to use;

5. During the charging process of the electric platform truck, pay attention to inspection and adjustment The specific gravity and liquid level of the electrolyte of the electric loading and unloading vehicle ensure the charging quality of the electric loading and unloading vehicle;

6. When charging the electric platform truck, keep the charging environment clean and ventilated. The charging equipment of the car must be isolated from the battery, and smoking is strictly prohibited.

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