
Staxx Pallet Truck is a professional warehouse equipment manufacturer and pallet jack supplier in China.

Four manifestations of abnormal battery gas in electric stacker

by:Staxx Pallet Truck     2022-10-31

The electric stacker uses the brand's high-quality motor as the power source, which has a super load-bearing capacity. It does not require manpower for lifting and running, and can be easily completed by relying on electricity. In the core configuration of the product, the battery plays a key role, but during use, the battery, that is, the battery, occasionally gasses. What's going on?

The main reasons for the abnormal gas emission of the electric stacker battery are:

1. During the charging process of the battery, the plate is sulfated, which causes the battery to emit gas prematurely. The reason for this may be the excessive discharge of the battery, the lack of regular overcharging or frequent undercharging, and the long-term half-life. Due to discharge or discharge state, lack of electrolyte and other reasons, we can judge the cause of gas according to our own use conditions.

2. It is also abnormal that the battery does not emit gas during the charging process. This is mostly caused by a short circuit inside the battery. In this case, we must unplug the power supply in time, stop charging, and check for circuit problems.

3. The battery does not emit gas or has less gas in the later stage of charging. Under normal circumstances, the battery will emit gas when it is about to be fully charged. If it does not appear, the charging current may be too small, or the charging capacity of the battery is small. It is necessary to adjust the charging current to an appropriate size and continue charging.

4. The battery is out of gas during the idle process or during the discharge process, mostly due to

After charging, it is discharged without being put on hold, which is caused by impurities in the electrolyte. In this case, we can wait for about an hour after the battery is fully charged before discharging or replacing the electrolyte.

The electronic control system is the heart of the electric stacker. Therefore, we must do a good job in battery maintenance during the process of charging and discharging or using electricity. When the battery power is less than 10%, it must be charged in time.

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