Staxx Pallet Truck is a professional warehouse equipment manufacturer and pallet jack supplier in China.

Precautions and daily maintenance of electric stacker

by:Staxx Pallet Truck     2023-03-19

1. Precautions for daily use of electric stacker

1. The weight of the cargo must be mastered before lifting, and the weight of the cargo cannot exceed the rated load capacity of the machine and equipment. When lifting and packing the goods, pay attention to whether the goods are tightly packed to ensure safety.

2. Pay attention to the load center and load curve. The goods should be evenly placed on the forks. If the forks can be adjusted, the distance between the forks should be appropriately changed to achieve a uniform load. Unbalanced or overloaded loads are not allowed, and single forks cannot be used to pick goods.

3. Driving and lifting are not allowed to operate at the same time.

4. When loading goods, the fork must be lower than 3000Mm before the machine can drive, and it is strictly forbidden to drive when the fork is raised.

5. When the machine is working, there should be no people directly under and on both sides of the fork to avoid accidents.

6. The gradeability of the all-electric stacker is in accordance with the parameter specifications, and the semi-electric stacker must pay special attention to safety when encountering a slope.

7. When the machinery and equipment are not in use, the vehicle should be lowered to the minimum, and then the switch should be turned off to make the machinery and equipment rest.

8. When charging the battery, keep away from fire sources. The battery should be charged only by a single charge. Do not use the same power outlet as other batteries. This will easily lead to voltage instability and burn out the charger.

2. Daily maintenance and maintenance of electric stacker

1. Regularly check whether all the fasteners are fastened and whether the thread ends are loose.

2. Clean the machinery and equipment once a week. Pay attention to whether there are ropes, debris and other sundries involved in the wheels and axles.

3. Regularly add lubricating oil to the transmission chain, and add butter to the mast for maintenance.

4. The place of use of the machine equipment should be kept dry and ventilated. Unless it is special equipment, avoid using it in a humid environment.

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