
Staxx Pallet Truck is a professional warehouse equipment manufacturer and pallet jack supplier in China.

How to check and maintain the all-electric stacker?

by:Staxx Pallet Truck     2023-02-14

As we all know, when using machinery, we must always pay attention to the state of the machinery to ensure safe operation. In fact, not only when in use, machinery also needs regular maintenance just like people“physical examination”Whether there are potential safety hazards, and prescribe the right medicine, and carry out detailed maintenance or repair. In this way, many mistakes and accidents can be avoided and escorted for safe use. So, how to conduct a comprehensive inspection and maintenance of the all-electric stacker? The electric stacker manufacturer gives the following suggestions.

Always check whether the battery is damaged; check the flexibility of the brake and steering device of the all-electric stacker; check and regularly clean up the dirt on the fork, door frame slide, generator, starter, water tank, etc.; check the battery Check whether the water in the water is sufficient and replenish it in time; confirm whether the parts of each part are fastened; check whether there is oil leakage in the pipeline, engine room, brake, cylinder and other parts; check whether the brake fluid and flow are within the scale range and the brake pipeline Whether the air in the air is mixed.

Electric stacker manufacturers suggest that it is best to conduct a comprehensive inspection every six months for all electric stackers. At the same time, it is not only necessary to pay more attention to regular inspection and maintenance, but also to pay attention to the maintenance of stackers in some details.

After using a fully electric stacker, it should be charged in time to avoid battery damage due to lack of power and long-term charging. Pay attention to frequent lubrication, and use pure water when filling water. In this way, the service life of the electric stacker can be extended to the maximum extent, which can not only avoid potential safety hazards, but also effectively improve the working efficiency of the stacker, and improve economic benefits for the enterprise.

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